Here are some of my projects

I have organized them from the last to the first one. All these projects have a button that allows you to see them deployed using GitHub as version control and Netlify.

I also have the following projects listed here:

Portfolio App

Portfolio App

This project is a work in progress. I initially started this portfolio and I keep working on improving it on a weekly basis. I have a long way to go, but it is exciting to put in practice all the knowledge I am receiving. The purpose of this portfolio is to display all the projects I worked on, professionally and personally.

React Project

This project is a small application using React.js. I love working with React components. React makes it painless to create interactive UIs. Declarative views make my code more predictable and easier to debug.


Weather App

Weather App

This weather app project with forecast search engine was built using Vanilla JavaScript and API. The app allows the user to search for any city in the world. Also displays the forecast for the next six days of the week. It displayes the degree Fahrenheit as the unit.

Weather Mockup

I started this idea of a weather app as a mockup. Images were kind of challenge to manage but I was happy with the end result of the design. The user is able to search for the weather of any city. The forecast on this page is static.

This project introduced me to the JavaScript concept and I was able to achieve the functionality expected for the search engine.

This was only the introduction to the JavaScript connection to HTML and CSS.



My First Project

My first project in HTML and CSS was a single page website where I was able to understand the concept of HTML and CSS styles.

Job related projects:

As a back end developer and QA engineer I have collaborated on the following website
Software language: Ruby on Rails
Portal MCNA Dental


All new developers need to achieve experience. That's happening when a company hires and allows them to build that experience. Unfortunately, many companies looking only for "experienced developers" miss the opportunity to have a very dedicated developer who wants to demonstrate he/she can do an excellent job. We all need to start somewhere.
I hope you can give me the opportunity that I need to grow. I would really appreciate it.